Hearing noteworthy people.

The Science Court Podcast

Science Court is a project designed to combat polarization in American society and strengthen democracy. It is run as an interdisciplinary course in the University of Minnesota Honors Program involving students from across the university. This semester, students researched and debated whether mandatory service programs could fight political and racial polarization in the United States.

On the media team, I edited, interviewed, and wrote for season three’s Science Court podcast entitled “Depolarizing America.” In episode four of Depolarizing America, I talked with army member and former Science Court student podcaster Luke Diamond about his experience in the military and thoughts on public service.

Depolarizing America: Episode 4
Science Court

The InFlux Podcast

The InFlux Magazine is a student-run magazine on the Univerisity of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. The magazine explores how 20-somethings navigate the uncertainty of a polarized world. InFlux Podcast dives into the topics of arts & culture, environment & sustainability, and social justice & politics to find out how individuals are balancing their truths in an evolving reality.

For the magazine, I was on two teams: social media/pr and podcast. I wrote the episode entitled “Social Justice & Politics: A conversation with BIPOC” for the InFlux Podcast.

Social Justice & Politics: A conversation with BIPOC
InFlux Podcast